Results for 'Merrill J. Gottlieb'

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  1.  27
    Effect of supplemental visual cues on rotary pursuit.Norman B. Gordon & Merrill J. Gottlieb - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (4):566.
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    Visual detection threshold differences between psychiatric patients and normal controls.Salvatore Mannuzza, Bonnie J. Spring, Michael D. Gottlieb & Mitchell L. Kietzman - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):69-72.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Pamela J. Birrell, Jennifer Freyd, David J. Pittenger, Jeffrey D. Gottlieb & Jennifer Elizabeth Dyck - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):89 – 101.
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    Who Should Pay for Climate Adaptation? Public Attitudes and the Financing of Flood Protection in Florida.Samuel Merrill, Jack Kartez, Karen Langbehn, Frank Muller-Karger & Catherine J. Reynolds - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):535-557.
    An investigation of public support for coastal adaptation options and public finance options in Florida evaluated stakeholder judgments and how they changed through a participatory engagement process. The study found that public finance mechanisms that imposed fiscal burdens on those who directly benefit from hazard reduction were rated as more acceptable than others. Significantly, visualisations and data on local economic damage and return on investment of potential adaptation options further increased acceptability ratings. The question of whether a development fee for (...)
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    A note on chronaxic technique.J. S. Gottlieb & O. D. Fowler - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (4):367.
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    Potential genetic variance and the domestication of maize.Tanya M. Gottlieb, Michael J. Wade & Suzanne L. Rutherford - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (8):685-689.
    Since Darwin, there has been a long and arduous struggle to understand the source and maintenance of natural genetic variation and its relationship to phenotype. The reason that this task is so difficult is that it requires integration of detailed, and as yet incomplete, knowledge from several biological disciplines, including evolutionary, population, and developmental genetics. In this ‘post‐genomic’ era, it is relatively easy to identify differences in the DNA sequence between individuals. However, the task remains to delineate how this abundant (...)
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  7. Scaffolding effective problem solving strategies in interactive learning environments.D. C. Merrill & B. J. Reiser - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum.
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    Imperceptible Parts.A. J. Gottlieb - 1982 - Analysis 42 (2):111 - 113.
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    Methodology in the clinical measurement of excitability.J. S. Gottlieb & O. D. Fowler - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (5):436.
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  10. (1 other version)Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of 1794 a Commentary on Part 1.George J. Seidel & Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1993 - Purdue University Press.
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  11. APEIRON: a journal for ancient philosophy and science.Daniel W. Graham, Paula Gottlieb, Howard J. Curzer & Yvon Lafrance - 1990 - Apeiron 23 (2):87-119.
  12.  51
    (1 other version)The new logic.Karl Menger, H. B. Gottlieb & J. K. Senior - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (3):299-336.
    The rapid development of physics, the result of observations made and ideas introduced within the last few decades, has brought about a change in the whole system of physical concepts. This fact is common knowledge, and has already attracted the attention of philosophers. It is less well known that geometry too has had its crises, and undergone a reconstruction. For centuries, so-called “geometrical intuition” was used as a method of proof. In geometrical demonstrations, certain steps were allowed because they were (...)
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    Different Standards Are Not Double Standards: All Elective Surgical Patients Are Not Alike.Lainie Ross, Walter Glannon, Lawrence Gottlieb & J. Thistlethwaite Jr - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):118-128.
    Testa and colleagues argue that evaluation for suitability for living donor surgery is rooted in paternalism in contrast with the evaluation for most operative interventions which is rooted in the autonomy of patients. We examine two key ethical concepts that Testa and colleagues use: paternalism and autonomy, and two related ethical concepts, moral agency and shared decision making. We show that moving the conversation from paternalism, negative autonomy and informed consent to moral agency, relational autonomy and shared decision making, one (...)
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  14.  94
    Ethics Committees at Work: Organs for Undocumented Aliens? A Transplantation Dilemma.Lawrence Gottlieb, Mark J. Zucker, Henry S. Perkins & Laurence B. McCullough - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):229.
  15.  22
    From embryonal carcinoma cells to neurons: The P19 pathway.Gerard Bain, William J. Ray, Min Yao & David I. Gottlieb - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (5):343-348.
    The differentiation of mammalian neurons during development is a highly complex process involving regulation and coordination of gene expression at multiple steps. The P19 mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line is a suitable model system with which to analyze regulation of neuronal differentiation. These multipotential cells can be maintained and propagated in tissue culture in an undifferentiated state. Exposure of aggregated P19 cells to retinoic acid results in the differentiation of cells with many fundamental phenotypes of mammalian neurons. Undifferentiated P19 cells (...)
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  16.  58
    Book Reviews Section 2.Martin Levit, David Neil Silk, Francesco Cordasco, George Bernstein, Paul F. Black, Hyman Kuritz, David Gottlieb, Mary Dunn, James L. Jarrett, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Glen Hass, Ronald H. Mueller, Robert Acosta, Sylvester Kohut Jr, Ralph H. Hunkins, Robert B. Girvan, Frederick S. Buchanan, Albert Nissman & H. J. Prince - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):21-35.
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  17. Democracy and the Claims of Nature: Critical Perspectives for a New Century.Wilson Carey McWilliams, Bob Pepperman Taylor, Bryan G. Norton, Robyn Eckersley, Joe Bowersox, J. Baird Callicott, Catriona Sandilands, John Barry, Andrew Light, Peter S. Wenz, Luis A. Vivanco, Tim Hayward, John O'Neill, Robert Paehlke, Timothy W. Luke, Robert Gottlieb & Charles T. Rubin (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Democracy and the Claims of Nature, the leading thinkers in the fields of environmental, political, and social theory come together to discuss the tensions and sympathies of democratic ideals and environmental values. The prominent contributors reflect upon where we stand in our understanding of the relationship between democracy and the claims of nature. Democracy and the Claims of Nature bridges the gap between the often competing ideals of the two fields, leading to a greater understanding of each for the (...)
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  18. Scripture in History and Theology: Essays in Honor of J. Coert Rylaarsdam.Arthur Merrill & Thomas Overholt - 1977
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  19.  8
    Anfänge und Ursprünge: zur Vorgeschichte der Jenaer Wissenschaftslehre: 200 Jahre Wissenschaftslehre--die Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (26. September-1 Oktober 1994) in Jena in Verbindung mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena), dem Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Jena) und dem Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici (Neapel).Internationale Johann Gottlieb Fichte Gesellschaft Kongress (ed.) - 1997 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
    From the contents: Hoelderlins Trennung von Fichte (Sven Juergensen).- Die Deduktion der Philosophie nach Fichte und Friedrich von Hardenberg (Frank Ruehling).- Fruehromantische Subjektkritik (Christian Iber).- Das Verhaeltnis des Selbst zu Gott in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre (Akira Omine).- Das Wir in der spaeten Wissenschaftslehre (Urs Richli).- Etre et Apparition selon la doctrine de la science de 1812 (Miklos Veto).
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    Questions Left Unanswered: The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics. David J. Gunkel. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012, 272 pages, $35.Jeffrey D. Gottlieb - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (2):163-166.
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    (1 other version)Ultima inquirenda: J.G. Fichtes letzte Bearbeitungen der Wissenschaftslehre, Ende 1813, Anfang 1814 ; Textband.Johann Gottlieb Fichte & Reinhard Lauth - 2001
    Includes text of Wissenschaftslehre 1814.
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    Tempore Pvncto.W. A. Merrill - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (1):42-42.
    Lvcretivs II. 263 ‘nonne uides etiam patefactos tempore puncto.’ ‘Tempore puncto’ occurs only here in Lucretius and in no other author; but ‘puncto tempore’ is read in II. 456, 1006, IV. 214; ‘puncto in tempore et,’ VI. 230. ‘Temporis puncto’ is found at I. 1109, and ‘temporis in puncto’ at IV. 164, 193. ‘Puncto… diei’ occurs in IV. 201. ‘Punctum’ as a noun corresponds to τομος, for a point has no dimensions; St. August. Ep. 205, 14, ‘atomo temporis, inquit, hoc (...)
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  23. J. G. Fichte über Gott und Unsterblichkeit, aus einer Kollegnachschrift von 1795..Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1914 - Berlin: Reuther & Reichard. Edited by Ernst Bergmann.
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    J.G. Fichte-Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Hans Jacob & Reinhard Lauth - 1962 - Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Reinhard Lauth, Hans Jacob & Hans Gliwitzky.
    Die Wissenschaftslehre von 1812 - die letzte, die Fichte vollstandig vorgetragen hat - wird der Forschung erstmals in zuverlassiger Form vorgelegt. In ihr deduziert Fichte vom hochsten bestimmten 'Blick' aus, dem des sittlichen Wollens als einem der hoheren 'Schemata' der Erscheinung des Absoluten, die weiteren Momente des Wissens. Die Rechtslehre von 1812 wird ausschliesslich nach der Handschrift wiedergegeben. Drei nicht exakt zu datierende Texte zeigen Fichtes Reaktion auf die Zeitereignisse (u.a. Napoleons Kontributionsforderungen an den preussischen Staat). Ausserdem stellt der Philosoph (...)
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  25.  11
    Theory of Science.Gabriel Gottlieb - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 55–82.
    According to J. G. Fichte, for a science to possess systematic form the science must begin with a first principle known with certainty and each proposition within the science must be validly connected to the first principle. The content of the Wissenschaftslehre consists of essentially one kind of content, what he calls “the acts of the human mind” He also holds that the Wissenschaftslehre provides each science its own first principle, thus making up part of its content. Following his first (...)
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  26.  48
    Rome and Egypt - (L.) Bricault, (M.J.) Versluys, (P.G.P.) Meyboom (edd.) Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the III rd International Conference of Isis Studies, Leiden, May 11–14 2005. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 159.) Pp. xxvi + 562, ills, maps, pl. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007. Cased, €149, US$194. ISBN: 978-90-04-15420-9. [REVIEW]A. Merrills - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):562-.
  27. Remembering Claudia Card: Two Tributes.Paula Gottlieb & Lynne Tirrell - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (2):1-6.
    From the editor: On behalf of the editors of FPQ, I thank our colleagues for providing us their public addresses at the Celebration of Life of Professor Claudia Falconer Card of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who died on Saturday, September 12, 2015. Claudia Card was the author of over one hundred articles and books, key works of moral and feminist philosophy including Confronting Evils: Terrorism, Torture, Genocide, The Atrocity Paradigm: A Theory of Evil, and The Unnatural Lottery: Character and Moral (...)
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    A Respectful Reply to Gottlieb and Lasser.Maureen J. Murray & William E. Smythe - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):195-199.
    In this brief note, we respond to Gottlieb and Lasser's critical commentary on our work on narrative research ethics. We argue that their concern for privileging voices needs to be balanced against the risk of exploiting some research participants, that conflicts of interest are best resolved through appropriately prioritizing ethical principles and in consultation with others, and that the researcher's ability to protect participants from harm can be enhanced through appropriate clinical training and access to clinical expertise. We welcome (...)
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  29.  22
    Primary Ousia: An Essay on Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H by Michael J. Loux. [REVIEW]Paula Gottlieb - 1993 - Isis 84:360-361.
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    The Education Theory of J.G. Fichte: A Critical Account, Together with Translations.George Henry Turnbull & Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1926 - The University Press of Liverpool Limited Hodder and Stoughton.
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    W. A. Merrill's Lvcretivs.J. D. Duff - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (03):220-.
  32. MERRILL, W. M. - From Statesman to Philosopher: A Study in Bolingbroke's Deism. [REVIEW]J. P. Corbett - 1950 - Mind 59:417.
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  33. Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Podstawy całkowitej Teorii Wiedzy.Marek J. Siemek - 1996 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 17 (1):143-157.
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  34. Die Schriften zu J. G. Fichte's Atheismus-Streit.Johann Gottlieb Fichte & Hans Rudolf David Lindau - 1912 - München,: G. Müller.
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    Tunes for Horace J. Wagner: Carmina Horatii selecta in usum iuventutis studiosae ad modos aptata. Pp. 43; 40 pp. music. Budapest: I. Gottlieb, 1934. Paper, 3 pengö (about 3s.). [REVIEW]H. J. W. Tillyard - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (02):80-81.
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  36.  21
    Über das Wesen des Gelehrten.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2020 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. Edited by Alfred Denker, Jeffery Kinlaw & Holger Zaborowski.
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte hielt im Sommer 1805 in Erlangen öffentliche Vorlesungen zum Thema 'Über das Wesen des Gelehrten und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Freiheit'. In diesen Vorlesungen erläuterte Fichte sein Verständnis des Wesens und der Aufgabe des Gelehrten und führte in seine Philosophie ein. Dieser Text ist ein wichtiges Zeugnis nicht nur für die Entwicklung von Fichtes Philosophie, sondern auch für die Geschichte des Deutschen Idealismus und das Verständnis von Bildung und Wissenschaft im frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Dieser Band (...)
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  37.  7
    Schriften zur Revolution.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1967 - Köln u. Opladen,: Westdeutscher Verlag. Edited by Bernard Willms.
    Fichte als politischer Schriftsteller - Fichtes Leben bis zur Berufung nach Jena - Fichtes vorkantische Zeit: Zufällige Gedanken und Aphorismen über Religion und Deismus - Die Revolution im Kopf - Kant und die Aktualisierung des revolutionären Engagements - Abstraktes Naturrecht und die Kategorie des emanzipierten bürgerlichen Bewußtseins: Gesellschaftsvertrag - Montesquieu und Rousseau - Theodor Schmalz: Das reine Naturrecht - Polemik gegen den Konservatismus: August Wilhelm Rehberg - Die Zurückforderung der Denk freiheit - Ober die Achtung des Staates für die Wahrheit (...)
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    Über das Wesen des Gelehrten, und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Freiheit.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2020 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. Edited by Alfred Denker, Jeffery Kinlaw & Holger Zaborowski.
    Über das Wesen des Gelehrten, und seine Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Freiheit (1805) von Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- Vorrede -- Erste Vorlesgun: Plan des Ganzen -- Zweite Vorlesung: Nähere Bestimmung des Begriffs der göttlichen Idee -- Dritte Vorlesung: Vom angehenden Gelehrten überhaupt; insbesondere vom Talente und Fleisse -- Vierte Vorlesung: Von der Rechtschaffenheit im Studiren -- Fünfte Vorlesung: Wie die Rechtschaffenheit des Studirenden sich äussere -- Sechste Vorlesung: Ueber die akademische Freiheit -- Siebente Vorlesung: Vom vollendeten Gelehrten im Allgemeinen (...)
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  39.  12
    Zur Religionsphilosophie.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1965 - (Berlin,: De Gruyter. Edited by Immanuel Hermann von Fichte.
    Frontmatter -- Vorrede des Herausgebers -- Inhaltsanzeige des fünften Bandes -- Berichtigungen -- Aphorismen über Religion und Deismus -- Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbarung / Fichte, Johann Gottlieb -- Ueber den Grund unseres Glaubens an eine göttliche Weltregierung -- Appellation an das Publicum gegen die Anklage des Atheismus / Fichte, J. G. -- Gerichtliche Verantwortung gegen die Anklage des Atheismus / Fichte, J. G. -- Rückerinnerungen, Antworten, Fragen -- Aus einem Privatschreiben -- Die Anweisung zum seligen Leben, oder auch (...)
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  40.  6
    Freiheitsidee und Rechtsbegriff in der Philosophie von Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Ein Beitrag zur Rechtsphilosophie des Tranzendentalen Idealismus. [REVIEW]V. J. McG - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (5):134-134.
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    Fichte, Johann Gottlieb[REVIEW]Hans J. Verweyen - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (2):157-159.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Exposition of the Theory of Knowledge of 1801/02. [REVIEW]Hans J. Verweyen - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):29-30.
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    Merrill's Epistles of Pliny. [REVIEW]J. P. Postgate - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (1-2):35-36.
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    P. Barcelò : Contra quis ferat arma deos? Vier Augsburger Vorträge zur Religionsgeschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit zum 60. Geburtstag von Gunther Gottlieb. Pp. 111. Munich: Ernst Vögel, 1996. Paper, DM 32. ISBN: 3-89650-020-1. [REVIEW]J. B. Rives - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):588-589.
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    Freiheitsidee und Rechtsbegriff in der Philosophie von Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Ein Beitrag zur Rechtsphilosophie des Tranzendentalen Idealismus. [REVIEW]G. V. J. Mc - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (5):134-134.
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    Thomistic Pride and Liberal Vice.Paul J. Weithman - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):241-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMISTIC PRIDE AND LIBERAL VICE 1 PAUL J. WEITHMAN University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana L IBERALISM IS often portrayed, and sometimes portrays itself, as a moral and political view that rejects the claims of tradition. Thus liberals characteristically claim that the traditional standing of a social arrangement contributes little or nothing to its political legitimacy. Whether an arrangement is legitimate depends upon whether or not those who (...)
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  47. Robert W. Shahan and Kenneth R. Merrill, editors, "American Philosophy from Edwards to Quine". [REVIEW]Paul J. Nagy - 1979 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 15 (1):97.
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    Richard Green: Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy translated with introduction and notes. Pp. xxvi + 134. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1962. Paper, $1.25. [REVIEW]M. J. Boyd - 1965 - The Classical Review 15 (1):125-126.
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    La querelle de l'athéisme: suivie de divers textes sur la religion.J. Fichte - 1993 - Vrin.
    L'accusation d'atheisme, qui couta a Fichte sa chaire a l'Universite d'Iena et compromit gravement, et pour longtemps, la reputation de sa doctrine, concentre tous les anathemes par lesquels l'esprit de calomnie pouvait tenter, avec un certain succes, d'empecher une pensee trop libre d'agir sur son siecle en forgeant une image plus forte et plus courageuse de l'avenir du monde. Au mepris de toute contradiction, les accusateurs firent suspecter la philosophie transcendantale de conduire, a travers le developpement pratique qu'en donnait la (...)
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    L'initiation à la vie bienheureuse ou encore la doctrine de la religion.J. Fichte - 2013 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    English summary: Edition of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's (1762-1814) The Way Towards the Blessed Life. French text. French description: L'initiation a la vie bienheureuse presente la doctrine de la religion de J.G. Fichte. S'adressant a un grand public, ce cycle de conferences tenues a Berlin en 1806 et publiees la meme annee, n'est pas un traite theologique, mais il expose les principes d'une doctrine de la vie et de la beatitude qui constitue l'application pratique et religieuse de la doctrine de (...)
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